Palmetto Commerce International

Gibraltar,  July 2022  

About Us

Palmetto Commerce International Inc. was formed in 2004 (originally called Palmetto Computers Inc.).  It is owned and managed by Scott Bellows who formed the company after living and working abroad for almost 15 years.  Scott earned a Masters in International Affairs from Columbia Univ. (New York) and an MBA from USC (Los Angeles).

Scott’s career has focused largely on matters relating to administration, policy and business development.  He was a warranted contracting officer while working for the U.S. Agency for International Development and has an in-depth knowledge of government contracting.  Both as a business owner and as a business consultant, he has developed a comprehensive understanding of business procedures.  He understands the need for a business to stay competitive while still making a fair profit.

Being competitive is hard for a small business that doesn't have the credit, in-house resources and purchasing discounts offered to larger firms.  We help to level the playing field through our international associations that offer professional expertise and recognized software at discount prices (like this website, managed by our associates in Cairo).  We also leverage our own expertise to guide your company and to leverage free or low-cost services on your behalf through organizations like the SBDC.  We're on your side, let us prove it.

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